NSU Bookstore Hosts Signing for Baker, Henshaw

NSU Bookstore Hosts Signing for Baker, Henshaw

TAHLEQUAH The Northeastern State University Bookstore will hold a book signing for authors Terri M. Baker and Connie Oliver Henshaws latest work Women Who Pioneered Oklahoma, Stories From the WPA Narratives on Thursday, Nov. 29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the University Center.

In this stirring collection, the women who settled what would become Oklahoma tell their own stories in their own words. From thousands of interviews conducted by the Works Progress Administration in 1936-37 and preserved in the Indian Pioneer Papers of Oklahoma, editors Baker and Henshaw have selected the words of women from a wide range of socioeconomic groups, ethnic backgrounds, and geographical locations to relate the pioneer experience as it was really lived.

Baker, a citizen of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, is a professor of English at NSU, where she focuses on American Indian literature. Henshaw, who researches women of the nineteenth century, is an instructor in the Department of Languages and Literature in the College of Liberal Arts at NSU..


Published: 2007-11-27 00:00:00