Employer Providing Nontraditional Teachers with Teaching Certificates
Employer Providing Nontraditional Teachers with Teaching Certificates
TAHLEQUAH Northeastern State University will host preliminary interviews for an alternative teaching certification program on Friday, Jan. 25, in the Office of Career Services in Tahlequah.
The Dallas Independent School District Alternative Certification Program representatives will conduct interviews with candidates for alternative teacher certification from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Interviews last approximately 30 minutes.
Applicants must provide a current resume, contact information for three professional references, two official NSU transcripts and one official transcript from other colleges attended.
We are especially interested in candidates who are qualified in math, natural sciences, Spanish, foreign languages and bilingual,
said Susan Martin, a recruiter from Dallas ISD.
Interview times are reserved for NSU alumni and students interested in teaching, but were not education majors.
This is a great opportunity because Dallas ISD plans to interview all candidates who meet the minimum criteria,
said Gayle Anderson, coordinator of Career Services. We are certain they have positions to offer.
Positions begin in June 2008 if selected and will be teaching by August 2008. The Dallas ISD is a premier urban school district and a leader in cutting-edge education. Completion of the program, which includes field observations, university coursework, and content-specific training, will lead to Texas teaching certification.
To be eligible, a candidate must have a bachelors degree from a regionally accredited college or university or be about to graduate, and a 2.5 overall grade point average or 2.75 in the last sixty hours of study.
For more information or to schedule and interview, contact Gayle Anderson, Career Services coordinator at 918-444-3110 or by e-mail at anderson@nsuok.edu.
Career Services provides individual resume assistance, mock interviews, practice manuals, online resources, overall job search help, plus much more. For more information on services available through Career Services, visit the website at www.nsuok.edu/careerservices.
Published: 2008-01-17 00:00:00