Rosamund Papers Address Literature, Cultural Life of Region, and More

Rosamund Papers Address Literature, Cultural Life of Region, and More

TAHLEQUAH The latest issue of the Rosamund Papers is now available online at A publication of the Living Literature Center (LLC), the Rosamund Papers first appeared more than 15 years ago and includes works by Northeastern State University students and alumni. Phyllis Willis, the center's founder, created the journal to document LLC activities, and with the editorial assistance of the late Nila Phipps, the Rosamund Papers expanded to include short articles dealing with the cultural life of the region.

In keeping with the mission of the Living Literature Center, the journal makes accessible to a non-academic audience issues relating to the study of literature in the broadest sense, in connection with its social, historical, and political contexts. With articles ranging from humorous analyses of the politics of smiling and aging, to examinations of Native American migrations, the Rosamund Papers is circulated among high schools in Oklahoma, former conference and tour participants, as well as communities across the region.


Published: 2004-01-30 00:00:00