NSUBA Students Incorporate Teaching

NSUBA Students Incorporate Teaching

North Intermediate High School

NSUBA students meet with students at North Intermediate High School.

BROKEN ARROW- North Intermediate High School Teacher Aaron Schulthesis Introduction to Law classes recently played host to 12 Northeastern State University Broken Arrow College of Business and Technology students as part of a teaching experience project.

For two weeks in April, 12 NSUBA students in Ken Jones Business Communications taught classes at NIHS in Tulsa, covering topics including legal employment, interview skills and conflict resolution.

NIHS students were presented with different scenarios to and role-play throughout the experience. NIHS students evaluated, rated and commented on the experience of each of the student teachers.

Every semester, the students amaze me, as they volunteer and prepare such original lessons, said Ken Jones, instructor of Information Systems at NSUBA. They really want to teach and share what they have learned. Overall, the comments and rating were very high, and so was the laughter and learning.

Schulthesis, an NSU alumnus, has allowed NSUBA students into his classes for service learning projects since fall of 2006.

NSU-BA students involved: Ashley Burton, Mary Duffy, Daniel Wood, Jon Techau, Darla Bentley, Kim Diedrich, Carol Hutchens, Teresa Jarman, Oksana Karabut, Jeremy Smith, Bryan Burris and Cameron James.


Published: 2008-06-04 00:00:00