NSU Hosts Food Court Grand Opening

NSU Hosts Food Court Grand Opening

Cutting the ribbon on the newly renovated Food Court in the NSU University Center with NSU President Dr. Don Betz and NSU student DeJon Jordan (center) are Tahlequah Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors Denise Deason-Toyne, Melinda Cookson, Anita Thompson, Jerrod Vanderheiden, Joan Hatfield, Trena Payton, Stephen Highers, Charlotte Klutts, Patti Morton and Amber Fite.

Cutting the ribbon on the newly renovated Food Court in the NSU University Center with NSU President Dr. Don Betz and NSU student DeJon Jordan (center) are Tahlequah Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors Denise Deason-Toyne, Melinda Cookson, Anita Thompson, Jerrod Vanderheiden, Joan Hatfield, Trena Payton, Stephen Highers, Charlotte Klutts, Patti Morton and Amber Fite.

TAHLEQUAH A breakfast croissant, milkshake, spicy wings and chicken nuggets are just a small sampling of the food available at the newly renovated Food Court in the basement of Northeastern State Universitys University Center.

NSU held a grand opening for the facility, which includes Chick-fil-A, Breakfast Nook, World of Wings and Freshns, on Tuesday, Oct. 21 with the Tahlequah Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors.

Were very excited that we get this opportunity to open this new facility today, said John Gyllin, executive director of the NSU Foundation. There is a lot of construction happening on our campus to make the learning environment better for our students.

The Food Court was closed at the end of the Spring 2008 semester to begin the remodel of the facility, which included new kitchen and dining spaces and the introduction of new franchises. The remodeled facility also includes flat screen televisions and wireless Internet access.

The project is the result of extensive collaboration between NSU and Sodexho, with input from a student board on the facilities and services they wanted in the Food Court, Gyllin said.

The layout of the Food Court was designed by Dewberry Architecture, with renovation work completed by Nabholz Construction.


Published: 2008-10-21 00:00:00