Leadership Tahlequah Bean Dinner Supports Scholarship for Local Students

Leadership Tahlequah Bean Dinner Supports Scholarship for Local Students

TAHLEQUAH Leadership Tahlequah Class XII will host a Bean Dinner on Wednesday, Nov. 19. The dinner will take place at the Tahlequah Community Center at Fourth and College streets. Dinner will be served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost for the dinner is $5 and includes brown beans, cornbread, dessert and a drink. Tickets may be purchased at the door or from past and present Leadership Tahlequah class members.

Proceeds from the fundraiser go to a Northeastern State University scholarship endowment established by Leadership Tahlequah Class XI. The NSU scholarship will benefit college students from the Tahlequah community.

Leadership Tahlequah members are individuals nominated by their employers or service organizations and are selected based on their merit, previous involvement with community service and genuine interest in learning more about Tahlequah and giving back to their community.

Class XII will carry on the NSU Scholarship Endowment that Class XI started. The amount of funds appropriated for this cause will be determined by the donations generated from the Bean Dinner in November said Dana Brashear, Leadership Tahlequah Class XII member from Armstrong Bank.

We are asking previous Leadership Tahlequah class members along with everyone in the community to turn out to help us raise funds for this very worthwhile cause, said Penny L Moore, NSU Annual Fund Coordinator and Leadership Tahlequah Class XII member.

For additional information about Leadership Tahlequah or Bean Dinner please contact David Moore, Tahlequah Chamber of Commerce executive director, at 918-456-3742 or Kristi Malenski, Leadership Tahlequah Class XII treasurer, at 918-577-1722.


Published: 2008-10-22 00:00:00