Speaker Connects Geometry and Flight

Speaker Connects Geometry and Flight

TAHLEQUAH Northeastern State University will host Dr. Elwyn Davis from Pittsburg State University during Adventures on the Sphere and the E6B Flight Computer on Wednesday, April 1 at 3 p.m. in Science Center Room 262.

Adventures on the Sphere is a lecture on how spherical geometry differs from, and is the same as, euclidean geometry. In particular the formula for area of a triangle on a sphere will be derived. Listeners will be able to have hands-on experience with Lenart Spheres.

The E6B Flight Computer is an improvement on the circular slide rule, which was used by all flight navigators until the advent of computers on planes. It will be briefly discussed and demonstrated.

For more information, visit http://arapaho.nsuok.edu/~diamantj/upcoming_speaker.html.


Published: 2009-03-27 00:00:00