Early registration deadline nears for economic summit at Northeastern State

Early registration deadline nears for economic summit at Northeastern State

Northeastern State Universityhosts a gathering of community and business leaders from northeastern Oklahoma during Giving Voice to Northeastern Oklahoma, Nov. 3-4 on the Tahlequah campus.

Speakers appearing at the summit include Rick Brinkley, Tulsa Better Business Bureau President and CEO; Jay Hannah, President of Financial Services at Bancfirst; Bill Langley, Chair of the Four-County Economic Development Cooperative; Chad Smith, Cherokee Nation Principle Chief and Dr. Don Betz, President of Northeastern State University.

The summit is co-sponsored by the Sequoyah-Adair-Cherokee County Enterprise Zone, the Cherokee Nation and NSU, and features speakers from key industries and communities.

Giving Voice to Northeastern Oklahoma is in the Herb Rozell Ballroom in the University Center. Those who register before Oct. 19 receive $20 off the $50 summit enrollment fee.

Registration fees include a networking breakfast and a Taste of the Region luncheon featuring samples from local vineyards and restaurants Nov. 3. Also included is a legislative breakfast Nov. 4 and an electronic resource packet. Fee waivers are available for students and those in need.

To register, contact Rachel Farinelli at 918-444-2419 or visit http://regionalsummit.nsuok.edu/.


Published: 2009-10-14 00:00:00