Westbrook Appointed NSU Dean Of Liberal Arts

Westbrook Appointed NSU Dean Of Liberal Arts June 1

Guthrie Native Brings More than 25 Years Experience to Position

Northeastern State University is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Paul Westbrook, Ph.D., as Dean of Liberal Arts.

Dr. Westbrook joined the faculty of Northeastern State University in 1986 as a speech faculty member in the College of Arts and Letters. He was later named the Interim Dean of the College of Liberal Arts in 2003. A native of Guthrie, Dr. Westbrook brings to his appointment as dean more than 25 years experience in the field of liberal arts. Dr. Westbrook's selection as dean was made following weeks of interviews with several qualified candidates from a national search.

"The University is honored that Dr. Westbrook has agreed to continue his excellent leadership of the College of Liberal Arts," said Dr. Larry Williams, NSU President. "Without a doubt, Dr. Westbrook's experience, skills and capability as a professor and administrator make him the best choice to lead the liberal arts program at Oklahoma's premier regional university."

As Dean of Liberal Arts, Dr. Westbrook oversees the departments of Communication & Art, Languages & Literature, Performing Arts, Professional Studies, Social Sciences and the Army ROTC Program. Also under his guidance are the Downtown Country and River City Players productions which run each year beginning in June and the award-winning Jazz and Theatre Programs.

Dr. Westbrook received his undergraduate degree in speech education at Southeastern Oklahoma State University and completed his masters and doctoral degrees in speech at Southern Illinois Carbondale University. Previously, Dr. Westbrook taught at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota and Ithaca College in New York.

Dr. Westbrook is an active participant in several professional organizations including the National Communication Association, Central States Communication Association and Oklahoma Speech Theater Communication Association. He is also a member of the Association for Asian Studies and the Oklahoma Consortium for Teaching East Asia. Dr. Westbrook has presented at numerous national, regional, state, and local conferences on intercultural studies, gender studies, applied communications and healthcare communications.


Published: 2005-06-01 00:00:00