NSU Optometry Professionals to Receive Coveted Garland W. Clay Award

NSU Optometry Professionals to Receive Coveted Garland W. Clay Award

This Saturday, Northeastern State University professors of Optometry Dr. George W. Fulk and Dr. Lynn A. Cyert will be presented the Garland W. Clay award by the American Academy of Optometry. Fulk and Cyert will share the honor with Donald E. Parker from the University of Oklahoma. The event will take place during the AAO annual convention, which is being held in San Diego.

The Clay Award is presented to the authors of the manuscript published in Optometry and Vision Science with the most impact over the past five years based on citations in the scientific literature and the vote of the OVS Editorial Board.

Over the five-year period (2000-2004) the authors' paper on the effects of two different types of spectacle prescriptions on the progression of near-sightedness (myopia) in children took the honors. (Fulk GW, Cyert LA, Parker DE. "A randomized trial of the effect of single-vision vs. bifocal lenses on myopia progression in children with esophoria." Optom Vis Sci 2000;77:395-401.)

Optometry and Vision Science is the highest rated optometry journal in the world based on the "impact factor," which reflects citations of articles in the scientific literature. It is 17th among the world's top 40 journals in the ophthalmology, optometry, and vision science group.


Published: 2005-12-09 00:00:00