Registration Open For NOMSTA Conference At NSU

Registration Open For NOMSTA Conference At NSU

TAHLEQUAH The Northeastern Oklahoma Mathematics and Science Teacher Association (NOMSTA) is currently registering participants for the organizations annual conference set for Saturday, Jan. 31, at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah from 9 a.m. -3 p.m. in the Science Building.

The seventh annual conference will focus on Integrating Math, Science, and Reading, and is open to all K-12 mathematics and science teachers across northeastern Oklahoma. Workshop topics include Teaching Math with Games, Bubble Geometry, Teaching Math with Manipulatives, Global Warming, NASA Resources and Workshops, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology, Teaching Science through Stories, Hands-on Science, and Math and Science Professional Development Opportunities.

To reserve a spot at the conference, visit for a registration form. Registration is $15 for teachers and $10 for pre-service teachers. The registration fee includes lunch for those who pre-register by Jan. 15.

NOMSTA was organized in the summer of 2002 by the Mathematics and Science Teacher Enhancement Program, a National Science Foundation funded program at NSU. The organization works to promote excellence in school mathematics and science curriculum, instruction, and assessment, stimulate students interest, achievement, and confidence in learning mathematics and science, and promote ongoing professional development throughout the preparation and careers of teachers of mathematics and science.

For more information on NOMSTA, visit or contact Dr. April Adams, NSU College of Science and Health Professions, at 918-444-3819 or


Published: 2009-01-06 00:00:00