Leoser Gets a Lift as Housing Upgrades Continue
Leoser Gets a Lift as Housing Upgrades Continue
Making Room. Despite budget setbacks, NSU housing upgrades will continue as part of the Universitys long range housing renovation plan says Ken Caughman, NSU Director of Housing. Campus dormitories are placed on a rotating seven-year renovation plan for updates both aesthetic and structural. NSU currently houses eight dormitory facilities with a rough capacity of 1675 students.
Even though NSU is stretching its resources to capacity, said Caughman, NSU is still able to provide top notch service to its students.
Leoser Hall Renovations. Contractors are putting the finishing touches to NSUs lastest renovation, the Leoser Hall project. Updates to the 1960s housing facility (southeast and southwest) include new ceiling grid and tile, floor coverings, furniture (southwest only), lighting, plumbing and windows. In addition, ADAhandicap access ramps were installed to connect the two facilities. NSU was able to increase facility capacity by converting 25 percent of the existing single rooms to double rooms. The half- million dollar project began after classes ended in May 2002.
Published: 2002-08-28 00:00:00