Sharing the Vision: NSUBA Phase II Groundbreaking
$10 Million Lab Facility in the Works
Join Northeastern State University and the NSU College of Science and Health Professions as they break ground for the long awaited NSU Science Center. The horizon on Northeastern's main campus is about to get a bit more scenic. On Monday, December 6, at 3:00 p.m. University officials, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, community members and friends of the University will break ground on a long awaited $10 million science laboratory building. These Groundbreaking ceremonies will take place at the eastern entrance of the NSU Science Building. Funded by a revenue bond issued by the University, the three-floor facility was designed by the Dewberry Design Group in Tulsa. Located on the east side of the current science building, the ultra modern facility will encompass 68,000 square feet and include space for both teaching and research for physics, chemistry and biology programs. The facility will comprise 26 laboratories and be able to serve more than 400 students per lab session. University officials expect the facility to be open for classes by Spring 2007.
Published: 2004-10-29 00:00:00