Senator Riley Visits Graduate Students at NSUBA

Senator Riley Visits Graduate Students at NSUBA to Talk About Student Testing

High stakes testing was the focus of discussion for Oklahoma Senator Nancy Riley on her recent visit to the NSU Broken Arrow campus. Senator Riley spoke with NSU Early Childhood Education graduates about testing mandates and their impact on Oklahoma public schools.

The senator discussed the No Child Left Behind bill and its ramifications for the budget, education, and testing in Oklahoma. Testing is here, for good or bad, said Senator Riley. While, officially, state school districts are the entities held accountable by the state Legislature, The reality is that teachers are the ones held accountable for (test) scores, she said.

When students asked how the state-mandated testing benefits the child, Senator Riley responded that the data, not the children, was what the Legislature looked at. You (the teacher) are there to educate the kids, not to teach to the test.

In response to an inquiry as to how to hold politicians accountable for requirements regarding the testing of children and other school related bills, she replied that the public must take time to interview the candidates concerning education. Everyone will say that education is their top priority, she said, Get them to address specific issues.

A public school teacher for thirteen years, Senator Riley intends to return to teaching after public service.


Published: 1975-01-01 00:00:00