Enrollment for NSU Advanced Summer Computer Interchange Institute Begins

Enrollment for NSU Advanced Summer Computer Interchange Institute Begins

TAHLEQUAH Applications are now being accepted for Northeastern State Universitys Advanced Summer computer Interchange Institute (ASCII). NSUs College of Education will host the two-week computer institute that builds technology, graphic design, communication, and metoring skills for participating high school teachers and junior-level high school students.

During the summer, participants will increase their technology content knowledge, learn new ways of teaching with technology and develop a plan to act as mentors and bring these new skills back to their school/community. Teacher scholarships for the program are available for six high-school teachers at $600 each, and student scholarships are available for 12 high-school juniors at $400 each. In addition, Dreamweaver MX software will be given to each representative school district.

The Institute will be held on the NSU Tahlequah campus, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., June 9 through June 20, 2003. Participants must provide their own transportation.

For more information, please contact Dr. Donna Wood at 918-456-5511, ext. 5855, or Dr. Melissa Becker at ext. 3736.


Published: 2003-04-01 00:00:00