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Iain Anderson

Profile photo for Iain Anderson

Dr Iain Anderson


  • Dean Graduate College/Exec Dir
    Graduate Office

Office Location

  • Tahlequah
    Seminary Hall 357
    (918) 444-2220


Iain Anderson grew up in England, came to the United States for graduate school, and subsequently taught at Dana College, Nebraska and Nebraska Wesleyan University. Dr. Anderson joined the History Department at Northeastern State in January 2016. He has published articles on various aspects of African American music, including nonprofit sponsorship of jazz and the commemoration of slave music, and a book titled This Is Our Music: Free Jazz, the Sixties, and American Culture (University of Pennsylvania Press). He also works on research projects relating to the formation of transnational identities among Danish immigrants and the scholarship of teaching and learning history.


  • PhD, History, Indiana University, 2000
  • MA, Continuing Studies, University of Evansville, 1989
  • BA, History, Loughborough University, 1988
African American music and American culture, immigration history, the scholarship of teaching and learning history.
United States cultural, social, and political history since 1865, African American history, immigration history

Intellectual Content:

  • 'Were Coming!' Danish American Identity, Fraternity, and Political Remittances in the Era of World War II (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, 2019


  • Including Indigenous Voices in the Classroom with Primary Sources - National Council for the Social Studies - Austin, TX - November 2019
  • 'Americas Classical Music? 100 Years of Constructing and Challenging the Jazz Canon - - University of Tulsa - February 2018
  • Jazz and the Aesthetics of Reconciliation - Eighth Annual Reconciliation in America National Symposium - Tulsa, OK - June 2017
  • 'Were Coming! Danish American Identity, Fraternity, and Political Transnationalism During World War II - Political Remittances and Political Transnationalism - Oxford, England - June 2017

Courses Taught:

  • THEORY & PRAC. AMER. STUDIES - AMST 5003 - Fall 2020
  • AMERICAN HISTORY SINCE 1877 - HIST 1493 - Fall 2020
  • SENIOR SEMINAR - HIST 4951 - Fall 2020
  • THESIS - AMST 5983 - Fall 2020
  • IMMIGRATION HISTORY - HIST 4523 - Spring 2020
  • STUDIES IN HISTORY - HIST 4023 - Fall 2018
  • AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY - HIST 3753 - Spring 2018