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Ernst Bekkering

Profile photo for Ernst Bekkering

Dr Ernst Bekkering


  • Professor
    Computer Science

Office Location

  • Tahlequah
    Science Building 253
    (918) 444-5840


After a career in healthcare, I returned to school and finished a Ph.D. in Business Information Systems. I started my first teaching position at NSU in Information Systems and Technology, and after ten years transferred to Math and Computer Science.


  • PhD, Business Information Systems, Mississippi State University, 2004
  • MS, Business Information Systems, Mississippi State University, 2002
Artificial intelligence, assessment, student success factors, security, user interfaces, real-life applications.
Programming, cyber security, architecture and operating systems.

Intellectual Content:

  • Class Participation and Student Performance: A Tale of Two Courses (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Teaching & Learning, Accepted,


  • Influence of Online Connectivity and Online Attention on Student Performance - Tulsa Research Day - Tulsa, OK - November 2017

Courses Taught:

  • OBJECT BASED VISUAL PROG - CS 3023 - Fall 2020