YenTing Chen

Dr. YenTing Chen
- Part Time Faculty
Health and Kinesiology BA
Office Location
- Broken Arrow
Broken Arrow Education 245
(918) 449-6566
Dr. Yen-Ting Chen received his Bachelors and Masters degrees in physical therapy from the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. After that, he worked with Dr. Evangelos Christou for his PhD degree in the Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology at the University of Florida and finished in 2015. For his postdoctoral training, He worked with Dr. Sheng Li in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston McGovern Medical School from 2015 to 2020. He is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Health and Kinesiology at Northeastern State University.His current research focuses on the motor performance and spasticity of stroke patients. He has authored 27 peer-reviewed articles and more than 35 published conference abstracts. He is also a review editor for the journal of Frontiers in Neurology and an ad-hoc reviewer for several journals.
- PhD, Health and Kinesiology, University of Florida, 2015
- MS, Physical Therapy, National Cheng Kung University, 2008
- BA, Physical Therapy, National Cheng Kung University, 2003
Motor control and learning
Electromyography (EMG)
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
Sports physiology
Therapeutic modality
Motor control and learning
Intellectual Content:
- Aging and limb alter the neuromuscular control of goal-directed movements (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Published, June, 2014
- EMG synchrony to assess impaired corticomotor control of locomotion after stroke (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Published, December, 2017
- A startling acoustic stimulation (SAS)-TMS approach to assess the reticulospinal system in healthy and stroke subjects (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Published, February, 2019
- Heart Rate Variability: A Novel Modality for Diagnosing Neuropathic Pain after Spinal Cord Injury (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Published, July (3rd Quarter/Summer), 2017
- Comprehensive examination of biomechanical and neurophysiological effects of Botulinum toxin injection - International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - Orlando, FL, USA - March 2020
- Does contralesional motor cortex contribute to voluntary contraction of the impaired elbow flexors in stroke survivors? - Association of Academic Physiatrists - Atlanta, USA - February 2018
- Motor overflow in spastic hemiplegia after stroke: bilateral cortical activation, ipsilateral unmasking of corticospinal projections, or something else? - Association of Academic Physiatrists - Las Vegas, USA - February 2017
- The effect of startling acoustic stimulation on intracortical facilitation and inhibition - A SAS-TMS study - Society for Neuroscience - SanDiego, CA, USA - November 2018
Courses Taught:
- PHYSIOLOGY OF AGING - H ED 4403 - Spring 2020
- KINESIOLOGY - H ED 4363 - Spring 2020
- PERSONAL HEALTH - H ED 1113 - Spring 2020