John Clark

Dr. Clark has been in academics for a number of years. He has co-authored numerous books and peer reviewed publications on justice administration and jury behavior.Education:
- PhD, Psychology , University of Alabama , 2002
- MS, Criminal Justice , University of Alabama , 1998
- BS, Criminal Justice , University of Alabama at Birmingham , 1996
Psychology and Law
Social Change
Intellectual Content:
- So, What is a Psychopath? Venireperson Perceptions, Beliefs and Attitudes about Psychopathic Personality (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, 2014
- A Psychopath by any Other Name? Jury Venireperson Perceptions of the DSM-5 Limited Prosocial Emotions Specifier - American Psychology-Law Society - San Diego, CA. - March 2015
Courses Taught:
- INTRO TO CYBER SECURITY - CR J 3563 - Fall 2020
- CORRECTIONS - CR J 3343 - Summer 2020
- CRIMINOLOGY - CR J 4223 - Summer 2020