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Tracy Freudenthaler

Profile photo for Tracy Freudenthaler

Tracy Freudenthaler


  • Assistant Professor
    Public Health

Office Location

  • Muskogee
    Muskogee Administration Building 181
    (918) 444-3778


After receiving her MPH from the University of Oklahoma's College of Health Sciences, she completed a PhD in Health and Human Performance from Oklahoma State University. She has taught various students from undergraduates to allied health professionals. She has served on the front lines of public health coordinating clinical research that allowed women free cancer screenings, treatment, and other reproductive health services.


  • PhD, Health, Leisure, & Human Performance: Health & Human Performance, Oklahoma State University, Magna cum laude, 2021
  • OtherMPH, Master of Public Health, MPH, Master of Public Health, University of Oklahoma College of Health Sciences, Magna cum laude, 2009
  • BA, Psychology, Northeastern State University, Cum laude, 2007
She has conducted women's reproductive/sexual health clinical trials including HPV, cervical cancer, & STI testing protocols. Scholarly research continues in areas of HPV vaccination and college student use of substances. A focused interest examines vintage patent medicines & medical practices.
She has over 10 years instructional experience in a variety of settings. She has taught medical education workshops and various allied health professionals. Community health remains a favorite course to teach, but many students remember her years teaching abnormal psychology.

Intellectual Content:

  • Early Irish Brain Surgery and Antiseptic Agents (1889) (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Discovery, Published, September, 2021
  • J.A. Lindsays Tonics and Tinctures for Cardiac Care (1889-1904) (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Application, Published, May, 2022
  • Understanding how health care provider recommendations and messaging strategies influence HPV vaccine uptake: A study of undergraduate student perspectives. (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Application, Published, December, 2021
  • From a Vintage Journal (1890): Dr. Whitlas Urticaria Case and Dr. J.A. Lindsays Notes on Asthma (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Application, Published, January (1st Quarter/Winter), 2023
  • Vintage Anesthetics and Antiseptics: Sir. J.W. Brownes views on ether, chloroform, and iodoform (1880-1890) (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Application, Published, May, 2024


  • Influence of Health Care Provider Recommendation on HPV Vaccination Among College Students - OSU-CHS Research Week 2022 - Virtual Conference - February 2022
  • Impact of Health Care Provider Recommendation on HPV Vaccine Uptake - Oklahoma Partners in Public Health Conference 2021 - Virtual Conference - September 2021
  • University students continue to hold misconceptions about human papillomavirus (HPV), even if they are vaccinated. - Oklahoma Partners in Public Health Conference 2021 - Virtual Conference - September 2021
  • HPV vaccine disparities by rurality and race/ethnicity. - American Public Health Association 2022 Conference - Boston - November 2022

Courses Taught:

  • BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS & MGMT - PSYC 4033 - Fall 2020
  • PERSONAL HEALTH - H ED 1113 - Fall 2020