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William Rosener

Profile photo for William Rosener

Dr William Rosener


    Information Systems

Office Location

  • Tahlequah
    Business & Technology 221D
    (918) 444-2923

Additional Contact Methods


Professor, Information Systems and Technology.

August 1997 - present: Professor, College of Business and Technology, Northeastern State University. Advised students within the IS major. Served as webmaster for the IS website Served as webmaster for the College of Business and Technology website. Developed an E-Commerce track within the IS major. Assisted in redesigning the IS course sequence. Developed an outcomes-based assessment for the IS major. Participated in numerous Campus Connections programs. Sponsored the IS club - Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP). Represented the Department of Information Systems in the "Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education: Business Program Review." Taught courses in the following areas: Android application development (Java, XML) Web programming (PHP, ASP, Javascript) Website design and management Fundamentals of computer usage Visual Basic Business communications Introduction to Flash (ActionScript) and HTML 5.0 Introduction to 3D Modeling (SketchUp)

For more details see: https://billrosener.com/


  • PhD, Computer Science, University of Tennessee, 1994
  • MS, Computer Science, University of Tennessee, 1990
  • BS, Computer Science, Iowa State University, 1987
Web application development and programming, computer graphics.
Web application development and programming, computer graphics.


  • The JavaScript or jQuery Dilemma - What to Use - Oklahoma Research Day - - March 2020

Courses Taught:

  • SPREADSHEET ANALYSIS - IS 3083 - Spring 2023
  • WEB PROGRAMMING - IS 3043 - Spring 2023
  • OBJECT BASED VISUAL PROG - CS 3023 - Spring 2023