Elizabeth Waring

Dr Elizabeth Waring
- Associate Professor
Office Location
- Tahlequah
Science Building 141
(918) 444-3002
Dr. Elizabeth Waring is a human. She is a fan of the Ephemeroptera order of insects, photosynthesis, rivers, wetlands, the Milwaukee Brewers, donuts, and talking about science.Dr. Waring came to Northeastern State University in 2019 as an Assistant Professor of Biology in the Department of Natural Sciences and is currently the program chair for the Freshwater Science degree program.
- PhD, Biology, Texas Tech University, 2017
- MS, Biology, Fort Hays State University, 2010
- BS, Biology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2007
Intellectual Content:
- Soil nitrogen fertilization reduces relative leaf nitrogen allocation to photosynthesis (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, May, 2023
- Assessing impacts of climate change on selected foundation species and ecosystem services in the South-Central USA (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, February, 2023
- Root mass carbon costs to acquire nitrogen are determined by nitrogen and light availability in two species with different nitrogen acquisition strategies (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, June, 2021
- Plant Love Stories (Conference Proceeding), Teaching & Learning, Published, April (2nd Quarter/Spring), 2020
- High growth temperatures and high soil nitrogen do not alter differences in CO2 assimilation between invasive Phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygrass) and Carex stricta (tussock sedge) (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, July (3rd Quarter/Summer), 2017
- Photosynthetic variation and carbon isotope discrimination in invasive wetland grasses in response to flooding (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, May, 2012
- Plant dieback under exceptional drought driven by elevation, not by plant traits, in Big Bend National Park, Texas, USA (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, July (3rd Quarter/Summer), 2014
- "Nitrogen acquisition strategy and photosynthetic demand drive allocation responses in cotton and soybean" - Botany 2020 - Virtual - July 2020
- Proximity to Illinois River Impacts Photosynthetic Leaf Traits in Oaks - Botany 2021 - Virtual - July 2021
- Benefits of Quercus stellata Wangenh. (Post Oak) management to the NSU Tahlequah Campus - Undergraduate Research Day - Virtual - April 2021
- Photosynthetic acclimation through the lens of optimality - Annual meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada. - 2019
- A Leaf Love Story: From Photosynthesis to Macroinvertebrates - HawkTalks - zoom - March 2022
Courses Taught:
- HONORS RESEARCH I - BIOL 3401 - Fall 2020
- INTRO BIOLOGY II - BIOL 1023 - Summer 2020
- RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY - BIOL 4413 - Spring 2020
- INTRO BIOLOGY I - BIOL 1013 - Spring 2020
- PLANT BIOLOGY - BIOL 3003 - Spring 2020
- FIELD BOTANY LAB - BIOL 3464 - Fall 2019
- INTRO BIOLOGY I LAB - BIOL 1011 - Fall 2019
- INTRO BIOLOGY II - BIOL 1023 - Fall 2019
- RESEARCH SEMINAR - SCI 5511 - Fall 2019