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Shannon Jankowski

Profile photo for Shannon Jankowski

Shannon Jankowski


  • Instructor

Office Location

  • Tahlequah
    Wilson Hall 368
    (918) 444-3601


I have been teaching full time at NSU since the fall of 2019. I enjoy medieval and fantasy literature, games, and spending time with my family.


  • MA, English, Northeastern State University, 2016
  • BS, English, Northeastern State University, 2014
  • OtherAssociates Degree, Carl Albert State College, 2011
My research interests include Geoffrey Chaucer and various levels of fantasy literature. I also enjoy looking at and analyzing the connections and patterns between fantasy literature during the Middle Ages and modern-day fantasy.
I teach developmental courses such as Composition I with Lab and Reading Enhancement. I also teach Composition II and have taught an Introduction to Lit class. I enjoy discussing literature within my writing courses. Literature helps to make the material a bit more understandable and relatable.


  • Social Dislocation: Issues with Modern Translations of Chaucers The Canterbury Tales. - IMA Regional Conference - - 2016
  • The Fetishization of the Medieval in Film. - PCA/ACA National Conference - - April 2015
  • From Manuscript to Book: The Evolution of The Canterbury Tales. - NSU Visions Research Conference, - - 2016
  • How Frodo Fails: Christology in The Lord of the Rings, - Visions Undergraduate Research Conference - - 2013
  • Making Medieval Books-History and Literature. - Green Country Homeschool Cooperative - - December 2015
  • Not Another Elf! The Use of Tolkien in Modern Day Fantasy, - NSU Visions Research Conference - - 2015

Courses Taught:

  • COMPOSITION I LAB - ENGL 1111 - Fall 2020
  • READING ENHANCEMENT - ENGL 113 - Fall 2020
  • ENGLISH COMPOSITION II - ENGL 1213 - Fall 2020
  • ENGLISH COMPOSITION I - ENGL 1113 - Fall 2020
  • ENGLISH COMPOSITION II - ENGL 1213 - Spring 2020
  • ENGLISH COMPOSITION I - ENGL 1113 - Fall 2019
  • ENGLISH COMPOSITION II - ENGL 1213 - Fall 2019