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Roy Wood

Profile photo for Roy Wood

Roy Wood


  • Associate Professor/Assistant Dean
    Management Broken Arrow

Office Location

  • Broken Arrow
    Broken Arrow Business & Technology 119


I am an Associate Professor of Business and Dean of the Broken Arrow Campus of Northeastern State University. The Broken Arrow campus serves over 3000 undergraduate and graduate students.

Previously I served as Dean of the Defense Systems Management College and Interim Vice President and Chief Academic Officer of the Defense Acquisition University (DAU). DAU is an award-winning corporate university preparing military and government civilian project management teams to lead defense programs, like Joint Strike Fighter, Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, and Littoral Combat Ship. I served 2 years as VP, and over 7 years as the Dean of the Defense Systems Management College at DAU.

Prior to DAU, I was the Principal Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for International Technology Security. This was a political appointment in the George W. Bush Administration.

I am a retired Naval officer with operational tours in ships and submarines. Ashore, I managed ship repair projects, ran an experimental high-energy laser, and was involved in ballistic missile defense. After retirement, I worked for a small consulting firm where I helped the Navy create a $1.6 billion shipboard radar program.


  • PhD, Organization and Management, Capella University, 2009
  • MS, National Resource Strategy, National War College - Industrial College of the Armed Forces, 1999
  • MBA, Technology Management, University of Phoenix, 1999
  • MS, Electrical Engineering, Naval Postgraduate School, 1986
  • BS, Computer Science, Texas A&M University, 1980
My research interests include the neuro-cognitive behavioral aspects of leadership and decision-making, managing and leading in complex environments, and the use and effectiveness of technology in teaching and learning.
My teaching interests include strategic leadership and management, operations management, management of technology, and project management.

Intellectual Content:

  • A comparison of government and industry program manager competencies (Conference Proceeding), Discovery, Published, May, 2014
  • Program Manager as Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Leading with accountability and empowerment (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Application, Published, July (3rd Quarter/Summer), 2009
  • Time is money (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Integration, Published, October (4th Quarter/Autumn), 2013
  • The P-51 Mustang: A case study in defense acquisition (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Application, Published, October (4th Quarter/Autumn), 2010
  • Three big ideas for reforming acquisition: Evidence-based propositions for transformation (Conference Proceeding), Integration, Published, May, 2015


  • Acquisition...lessons learned thorough 40+ years of trial and error - Engineering Duty Officer Senior Course Presentation - Port Hueneme, CA - September 2015
  • Japan-US Dual Use Technology, Research, Development, Acquisition, and Life Cycle Cooperative Workshop - US-Japan Cooperative Workshop - Tokyo, Japan - February 2016
  • Defense Acquisition: Change and Opportunity - International Defence Education & Acquisition Forum - Shrivenham, UK - May 2010
  • Executive Productivity - Tasty Talks - Broken Arrow, OK - April 2018