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Rui Zhang

Profile photo for Rui Zhang

Dr Rui Zhang



Office Location

  • Tahlequah
    Science Building LL51
    (918) 444-3827


1997 B.S. in Theoretical Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.
2000 M.S. inTheoretical Particle Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.
2005 Ph.D. in Theoretical Statistical Physics, U of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
2005-2007 Post Doc at U of California Santa Barbara.
2007-2009 Post Doc at Georgia Tech
2009 Joined NSU as Assistant Professor of Physics
2015 Associate Professor of Physics


  • PhD, Theoretical Physics, University of Minnesota, 2005
Statistical Physics
Deep Learning
Physics: General Physics, Engineering Physics, Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Scientific Computation, Mathematical Methods in Physics, Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics

Math: Calculus, Complex Analysis, Group Theory


  • Just Throw Some Dice? How Googles AlphaGo Beats Top Human Players in the Game of Go - NSU Physics Seminar - NSU - 2017
  • Renormalization and Percolation -- Machine Learning Inspired Physics - NSU Physics Seminar - - April 2019
  • Teaching Scientific Computation: When Python Meets Physics - American Association of Physics Teachers Arkansas-Oklahoma-Kansas Section - Tahlequah, OK - October 2018

Courses Taught:

  • MECHANICS - PHYS 3113 - Fall 2020
  • MECHANICS - PHYS 3113 - Fall 2020
  • GENERAL PHYSICS I - PHYS 1114 - Summer 2020
  • SENIOR SEMINAR - PHYS 4951 - Spring 2020
  • RESEARCH IN PHYSICS - PHYS 4901 - Spring 2020
  • MATH METHODS IN PHYSICS - PHYS 3103 - Spring 2020
  • ENGINEERING PHYSICS I - PHYS 2115 - Spring 2020
  • GENERAL PHYSICS I - PHYS 1114 - Fall 2019
  • APPLIED MATHEMATICS - MATH 1473 - Summer 2019
  • THERMAL PHYSICS - PHYS 3413 - Spring 2019
  • ENGINEERING PHYSICS I - PHYS 2115 - Spring 2019
  • MECHANICS - PHYS 3113 - Fall 2018
  • GENERAL PHYSICS I - PHYS 1115 - Fall 2018
  • GENERAL PHYSICS I - PHYS 1115 - Summer 2018
  • MATH METHODS IN PHYSICS - PHYS 3103 - Spring 2018
  • ENGINEERING PHYSICS I - PHYS 2115 - Spring 2018