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Course Schedule Help

Searching for courses via the course schedule provides the benefit of real time online information. You can search for courses by subject, course number, course title, schedule type, campus, part of term, instructor, session, and/or time of day.

  1. Select a Term
  2. Search by Subject
  3. Search Parameters
  4. Additional Information

Select a Term

Select a term from the Search by Term drop down box and click Submit. Terms for all available schedules will appear in the drop down box.

Search by Subject

You must select at least one subject to search the schedule.

  • To search one subject, click on a subject. Add additional search parameters if desired, then click on Class Search to perform the search.
  • To search multiple subjects, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on selected subjects. Add additional search parameters if desired, then click on Class Search to perform the search.
  • To search all subjects, click on the first subject to select it, then scroll down to the last subject, hold down the Shift key, then select the last subject to highlight all subjects. Depending on which browser you are using, you can also quickly click and drag down to the bottom of the list. Add additional search parameters if desired, then click on Class Search to perform the search.

Note: you must select at least one subject to perform any search, including an Advanced Search.

Search Parameters

Search by Course Number

You may wish to find all 3000 level of a selected Subject(s).

To do this, select one or more Subjects, then enter "3" (do not include quotation marks) in the Course Number field. Click on Class Search to perform the search.

1 = 1000 level
2 = 2000 level
3 = 3000 level
4 = 4000 level
5 = 5000 level

Search by Title

You may wish to find all courses that have the word "design" in them.

To do this, select one or more Subjects, then enter the word "design" (do not include quotation marks) in the title field. Click on Class Search to perform the search.

Note: you can also enter partial words such as "Amer" to find all courses that may have "America" or "American" in the title.

Search by Schedule Type Including Online Courses

You may wish to find all courses that are being offered online.

To do this, select one or more Subjects, then go to the Schedule Type box and find the appropriate schedule type (e.g. Online). Click on Class Search to perform the search.

Search by Campus

You may wish to find all courses that are offered on a particular campus.

To do this, select one or more Subjects, then select the appropriate Campus from the list provided. Click on Class Search to perform the search.

Search by Part of Term Including Intersession and other Short Term Courses

You may wish to find all courses that are offered for a specific period of time, such as intersession courses, eight week courses, weekend courses, etc.

To do this, select one or more Subjects, then select the appropriate part of term. Click on Class Search to perform the search.

Search by Instructor

You may wish to find all courses that are taught by a particular instructor.

To do this, select one or more Subjects and then select the Instructor. Click on Class Search to perform the search.

Note: if you wish to quickly scroll down through the list of instructors, click on the first instructor name in the list of instructors, then use your keyboard to enter the first letter of the last name of the desired instructor this will scroll you down to that section of the list. For example, if you are looking for "Walker" click on "All" in the Instructor search box then enter a "w" on your keyboard. You will quickly be scrolled down to "W " at the top of the W list. You can then arrow down to Walker.

Search by Session Including Evening and Weekend Courses

You can search for courses that meet during a particular session.

To do this, select one or more Subjects, then scroll down to the Session area and click on the desired session type from the list provided. Click on Class Search to perform the search.

Search by Day of the Week

You can search for courses that meet on certain days of the week.

To do this, select one or more Subjects, then scroll down to the Session area and click in the box next to the appropriate day(s). Click on Class Search to perform the search.

You can also search by start and/or end time. Be sure to indicate the days of the week as part of this search.

For example, you may wish to search for courses in one or more subjects that end by 2:00 p.m. on M-W-F, so that you can work in the evening. To do this, select one or more Subjects, then select End Time Hour as "02" and select "p.m." Also, click in the boxes next to Mon, Wed, and Fri. Click on Class Search to perform the search.

Additional Information

Course Comments

Some courses have a comment with additional information. The course comment will appear under the course title.

An example of comments includes: Actual face-to-face dates and times for blended courses and sections that are restricted to particular groups (e.g. honors courses).

Days of the Week Key

Days of the week in Schedule Search Results and the Concise Student Schedule:

  • M - Monday
  • T - Tuesday
  • W - Wednesday
  • R - Thursday
  • F - Friday
  • S - Saturday
  • U - Sunday