Committee: Faculty Development
At least one faculty member from each academic college and the library serving two-year staggered terms plus a member of the Northeastern State University Faculty Council. The Executive Director of the NSU Online/Center for Teaching and Learning is a voting, ex officio member. The chair is appointed by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs for a two-year term.
This committee is responsible for reviewing requests for professional development funding (i.e. travel funding requests). The committee reports to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.
This committee meets monthly, during the first week of the month. Minutes are sent to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.
2024-2025 Committee Members
- Dr. Martha Parrot, Chair (2024), GWCSHP
- Dr. Janet Naguib (2025), College of Optometry
- Dr. Meagan Moreland, College of Education
- Dr. Kelsey Buford (2026), College of Optometry
- Dr. Jamie Thomas (2024), BA - GWCSHP
- Dr. Sydney Dorrough (2025), Muskogee - GWCSHP
- Dr. Tim Hart (2025), College of Business and Technology
- Thomas Rink, John Vaughan Library
- Dr. Kurt Choate, College of Education
- Mr. Christopher Miller (2025), College of Liberal Arts
- Dr. Sapna Das-Bradoo, Faculty Council Representative
- Mr. Jerol Skinner, ex officio, Executive Director - NSU Online