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Committee: Student Learning and Assessment


15-20 members with representation from each college and the graduate college to include college Student Learning Coordinators. In addition, the committee should include one student appointed by the Northeastern Student Government Association, one Center for Teaching and Learning representative, one Institutional Effectiveness staff, the Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness (ex-officio), and two representatives from Student Affairs. The committee chair is appointed by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.


This committee monitors the four-level assessment program at Northeastern State University and makes recommendations for changes in the assessment program. This committee is also involved in sharing results of assessment on campus and developing action plans to use assessment results for the improvement of education at NSU. The committee will serve as a resource to academic units regarding assessment activities and the Lumina Degree Quality Profile work. This committee reports to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.


The committee typically meets twice per semester or more frequently if required. Minutes are sent to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

2024-2025 Committee Members

  • Dr. Cari Keller, Chair, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Iain Anderson, Dean, Graduate College
  • Dr. Courtney Hamby, CBT Faculty Representative
  • Lisa Czlonka, CBT Student Learning Coordinator
  • Dr. Lori Riley, COE Faculty Representative
  • Dr. MooSong Kim, COE Student Learning Coordinator
  • Dr. Jenny Bledsoe, COLA Faculty Representative
  • Dr. Cheryl Van Den Handel, COLA Student Learning Coordinator
  • Dr. Jamie Thomas, GWCSHP Faculty Representative
  • Dr. Elizabeth Waring, GWCSHP Student Learning Coordinator
  • Dr. Alan McKee, Optometry Student Learning Coordinator
  • TBD, Library
  • Richard Hoenes, Executive Director, Institutional Effectiveness
  • Jerol Skinner, Executive Director, NSU Online Representative
  • Dr. Kelly Jo Larsen, ex officio, Student Affairs Representative
  • Dr. Kendra Haggard, ex officio, Student Affairs Representative
  • Karrine Ortiz, Academic Affairs
  • TBD, Graduate Student Representative
  • TBD, Graduate Student Representative
  • Nora Lee, NSGA Representative