Lights On Ceremony Kicks Off Holiday Season
Published: 2007-11-19
TAHLEQUAH Santa and Mrs. Claus will kick off the holiday season at the annual Lights
On ceremony in front of Seminary Hall at Northeastern State University.
Hosted by Tahlequah Mayor Ken Purdy and Mrs. Claus, the event is set for 5:30 p.m.
on Thursday, Nov. 29, and will feature holiday stories, music, and the lighting of
Seminary Hall.
Musical guests include the River City Players, Tahlequah High School Show Choir, local
elementary school choirs and the Heart O' the Hills Sweet Adelines Choir.
Following a reading of "'Twas the Night Before Christmas," children can have their
picture taken with Santa Claus, submit their Christmas wish list via the "computer
elf," and receive a personalized ornament from Santa's tree.
Free cocoa and candy canes will be handed out to everyone who attends.