NSUBA Launches New Web Site
Published: 2006-10-31
BROKEN ARROW - Northeastern State University-Broken Arrow's Professional and Continuing
Education Department has launched a new Web site that offers a wide variety of non-credit
courses online.
"The new site allows students to register and pay for non-credit courses online,"
said Kim Roberts, program coordinator. "Hundreds of courses are available in a variety
of different subjects with a new series beginning on Nov. 8. I encourage anyone looking
to advance their knowledge and skills at their own pace to explore these opportunities."
Available courses range from leadership to grant writing, speed Spanish to personal
finance. Costs are as low as $89 for six-week courses. The new non-credit online course
listings can be accessed at http://northeastern.augusoft.net.
NSUBA Professional and Continuing Education is also offering the CFP Certification
Education Program to professionals in the area. The 180-hour program offers a non-credit
certificate in Financial Planning and is registered with the CFP Board. Other certificate
programs include Sales Training, Negotiation Training, Time Resource Management, and
Proposal Management Training.
The NSUBA faculty also provides corporate training through Professional and Continuing
Education. Training is available on-site or in a campus facility.
"Our main goal is to offer courses and seminars that enhance job standing and meet
continuing education credit for professionals," said Roberts.
For more information on NSUBA Professional and Continuing Education, contact Kim Roberts
at 918-449-6106.