NSU alumnus Burton to deliver Larry Adair Lectureship
Published: 2012-02-27
Leadership expert Erick Burton helps peoples dreams take flight. All it takes is a little direction.
Burton will be lecturing on the Tahlequah campus of Northeastern State University March 12 as part of the Larry Adair Lectureship Series. The famous author and public speakers topic will be Destination Direction, Have You Filed Your Flight Plan?
The lecture is in the auditorium of the W. Roger Webb Educational Technology Center and begins at 7 p.m. Admission is free and open to students, staff, faculty and guests. Complimentary copies of Burtons book Have You Filed Your Flight Plan? will be available for attendees and there will be a drawing for an iPad.
Also on March 12, the Larry Adair Lectureship Series will host Lunch With Erick Burton at 11:30 a.m. in the Student Lounge in the basement of the University Center. Students are invited to bring their lunches and enjoy the conversation and ask questions.
Often described as powerful, positive and practical, Burton a 1992 NSU alumnus is developer of the personalized leadership assessment The Leadership Accelerator TM. As president of Burton Resources, he has partnered with hundreds of corporations and associations as a professional speaker, facilitator, executive coach and author. He is one of a few speakers with a Certified Speaking Professional designation.
As a division director for a fast-growing Fortune 500 company, Burton led his division to an annualized growth rate of 350 percent. Since 1996 he has spoken in 48 states and four foreign countries.
Burton is often cited for his ability to train and inspire people in an inviting and entertaining manner. He is the founder of the Burton Leadership Center, a 28-acre facility near Kansas City, Mo. It features a course designed to develop organizational and personal leadership.
Burton will be featured in the first edition of Blueprint for Success Powerhouse Professionals. The book features best-selling authors Stephen R. Covey (Seven Habits of Highly Effective People) and Ken Blanchard (One Minute Manager). Burton is also the author of Leadership Accelerator.
Following the lecture in the Webb auditorium, Burton will speak about his years at Northeastern to NSU alumni in the Tower Room on the sixth floor of the Webb Center at 8:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required atthe NSU Alumni site.Cost is $20 per person.
On March 13 at 9:30 a.m., Burton will visit with students who have taken his online student leadership assessment. The meeting will be in the Webb Tower Room.
The Larry Adair Lectureship Series was established at NSU in 2004 by friends and family of the retiring Oklahoma Speaker of the House, the Honorable Larry Adair. The lectures create an annual forum though which to address issues in politics, government and public policy. A goal of the lectureship is to enhance student interest in public affairs and encourage the NSU community to become more engaged citizens.