NSU to Host NOMSTA Conference
Published: 2007-01-23
TAHLEQUAH - Northeastern State University will host the fifth-annual Northeastern
Oklahoma Math and Science Teacher Association (NOMSTA) conference will take place
on Saturday, Jan. 27, 2007 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The title of this year's conference
is "Math and Science: Focus on the Earth."
Located in the NET Building and University Center, the conference will provide a variety
of educational opportunities related to science and math education. Hands-on interactive
sessions will be held throughout the conference.
On-site registration will take place between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. Registration is
$10 for college students. Annual membership dues for college students are free with
an instructor#39;s signature on the membership form. Registration fee for teachers
and administrators and university faculty is $15 and includes annual membership dues.
Lunch is provided for pre-registered participants. For more information, contact Dr.
Pamela Christol at 918-449-6539 or christol@nsuok.edu.