Cherokee County Angel Tree provides for more than 700 children
Published: 2017-01-18
Through the combined efforts of Northeastern State University and several community partners, more than 700 children were able to experience a warm and joyful Christmas this year.
The Angel Tree committee and NSU would like to extend their sincerest gratitude to the following supporters: Tahlequah Public Schools, TPS Resource Counselors, Creoks, Chilis, Cherokee Crusin Classic Car Club Toy Run, Tahlequah Daily Press, Tahlequah Lumber, Green Country Cinema, Reasor's, NEO Health, Northeastern Health System Hospital, Wright Realty Century 21, Rib Crib, Grace Baptist Church, First Baptist Church and all of the individual businesses, student organizations and families that provided gifts for children.
Angel Tree would not be as successful as it is without all of your continued support and dedication to these children, Clayton Fulton, NSU student and angel tree coordinator, said. You all are beyond amazing and help make our community a much better place to live.