Grand Opening Set For NSUBA Buildings
Published: 2007-05-14
BROKEN ARROW Northeastern State University Broken Arrow will host a grand opening celebration to commemorate the completion of Phase II of construction at the campus on Friday, May 18 at 3 p.m. at the NSUBA Courtyard. Funding for the construction was made possible through funding from Tulsa Countys Vision 2025.
"The generosity and support of the people of Tulsa County and Broken Arrow have placed in Northeastern State University has helped this institution maintain its place as Oklahomas premier regional university", said NSU Acting President Kim Cherry. "The completion of Phase II of construction will provided increased educational opportunities to the people of the Greater Tulsa Metropolitan Area and northeastern Oklahoma."
NSUBAs newest facilities include a library, Building E, and science facilities, Building D. Building G, a classroom facility also funded by Vision 2025, was opened in August 2006.
The Vision 2025 package included $26 million for the second phase of development at NSUBA. Voters overwhelming approved the package on September 9, 2003 and construction on the campus began October 7, 2004.
The expanded facilities will allow NSUBA to better serve students in the Greater Tulsa Metropolitan Area. The campus is now able to accommodate 8,000 students annually, providing for increased economic growth for the Tulsa metropolitan area through a well-educated work force, which provides incentive for new employers to establish businesses in the region.
The money from the Vision 2025 package brings the total taxpayer approved investment in NSUBA to $42 million since 1998. Broken Arrow voters approved $16 million for the initial campus construction on December 9. 1998.