NSU's Market Café goes tray less
Published: 2010-04-22
(Tahlequah, OK)--To reduce consumption of water and chemicals and production of trash, Northeastern State University's cafeteria, Market Cafe, will no longer set out trays for use by diners.
In October 2009, NSU Student Government senators R. Blake McCammon, Bartlesville senior, and Caleb Dobbs, Sallisaw freshman, introduced legislation calling for the removal of trays from Market Cafe, saying it would reduce use of water, paper, cleaners and reduce wasted food. The legislation was tabled until a trial was conducted in March.
During the Market Cafe's 19 days of operation in March, the elimination of trays reduced paper and waste by 2,889 pounds, water consumption by 4,499 gallons and use of chemical detergents by 19 pounds.
Before-and-after figures were 9,673 to 6,784 pounds of paper and waste, 32,110 to 27,611 gallons of water and 130 to 111 pounds of detergents.
After the results of going trayless were presented, the Student Government voted to remove the trays from the Market Cafe, 55-4.
"As a part of NSU's Strategic Goals, 'creating a sustainable community,' I think we have really modeled the way in this undertaking," McCammon wrote to president Don Betz. "It's a great way to give back to NSU. Leaving a legacy of sustainability is something I am proud to leave behind."
To remain in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, trays remain available upon request.