Cook named NSU's interim director of development, foundation
Published: 2010-08-16
Northeastern State University recently named Jerry Cook, director of community relations, interim director of development and executive director of the NSU Foundation beginning Sept. 9.
He will replace John Gyllin, who is leaving for a position as vice president for advancement and executive director of the College of Coastal Georgia Foundation.
"John is a great friend and colleague and I will miss him," said Cook. "Over the past three-plus years John and I worked with an excellent team on federal and state funding issues."
Cook will oversee overall institutional development and communicate with all departments about their funding needs. As foundation director, Cook will manage financial resources to promote and sustain growth of the institution through the support of all stakeholders.
Gyllin said he "thoroughly enjoyed" his time in Oklahoma and at NSU and was thankful for the friends he had made.
"I respect the administration and the leadership at NSU," said Gyllin. "I think the institution is headed in the right direction and has even brighter days ahead. I was happy to be here through some of the historic events, such as the centennial. My hope is that I left a positive impression on the institution."
As community relations director, Cook works closely with Mark Kinders, vice president for university relations. Kinders said Cook is a natural choice to assume the interim duties.
"Much of Jerry's work has enabled him to develop close relationships with many of our key allies and friends," said Kinders. "Through the NSU Foundation, he will be able to expand those relationships to our mutual advantage. I'm confident we won't miss a beat as we continue our momentum in fundraising and friend-raising."
Cook plans to continue Gyllin's work on several projects currently underway.
"My goal is to work closely with the marvelous team of development and the foundation and be a resource to everyone," said Cook.
A search and screen committee will be empaneled soon to begin a regional search for a permanent replacement, with the goal to have the new director in place during the spring semester.