NSU Offers Graduate-Level Degrees in Mathematics Education, Science Education
Published: 2004-03-31
TAHLEQUAH Mathematics and science teachers wanting to pursue graduate-level degrees in their profession can now do so at Northeastern State University. This spring, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education approved Master's of Education programs for both Science Education and Mathematics Education at Oklahoma's premier regional university. The approval makes NSU one of only three state institutions to offer such programming.
"These two subject areas are crucial links to success in both college and the emerging technology economy, so it is extremely important for us put highly qualified and exceptionally talented people in Oklahoma's classrooms," said NSU President Dr. Larry Williams. "As the statewide leader in teacher preparation and education programming, the state regents expect us to meet the growing demand in these areas with high quality, relevant degree programs. We appreciate their support and believe that these new degree options will be valuable additions for our students."
Special Opportunities for Middle-School Teachers. Mathematics and science teachers wishing to expand their educational opportunities and/or pursue a degree in their field may be eligible for up to 12 hours of free college credit thanks to Northeastern's Mathematics and Science Teachers Enhancement Program (MASTEP) held each summer. Funded by the National Science Foundation Teacher Enhancement Grant, MASTEP provides professional development for middle-school mathematics and science teachers in rural, Northeastern Oklahoma.
"NSU MASTEP is an opportunity for area middle school mathematics and science teachers to work toward a master's degree in their subject area at no cost to them. Participants this summer could earn up to 12 credit hours toward their degree. In addition, teachers have the opportunity to network with other teachers in the area, and apply for supply grants and conference stipends. It is an exciting program that is helping to meet the needs of mathematics and science teachers in Northeastern Oklahoma," said Dr. April Adams, NSU MASTEP project director.
MASTEP participants take two graduate-level mathematics courses or two graduate-level science courses during an intensive four-week program and develop an instructional plan that they will implement during the following school year. MASTEP personnel will support the implementation of the plan. The project has already served 71 area mathematics and science teachers during the past two summers.
MASTEP is open to teachers of mathematics or science at the middle-school level (typically grades six, seven, or eight, although these grade levels may vary in some schools) who demonstrate a need for additional content knowledge in mathematics or science. Through MASTEP, middle-school mathematics and science teachers receive graduate credit with tuition paid, a $1,500 or $1,200 stipend, and the opportunity to apply for supply grants to purchase materials for their classroom and travel stipends to attend conferences. Applications for this summer's June/July MASTEP classes are still being accepted.
June Mathematics (June 7 - July 1) and Science (June 7 - July 2) sessions will include
the following classes:
MATH 5233 Data Analysis (MTWTH 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
MATH 5273 Geometry (MTWTH 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.)
BIOL 5213 Investigative Biology (MTWTHF 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
SCI 5313 Inquiry into the Physical Sciences I (MTWTHF 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.)
July Mathematics and Science sessions (July 6 - August 2) will include the following:
MATH 5023 Number Theory (MTWTH 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
MATH 5463 Rate of Change (MTWTH 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.)
SCI 5323 Inquiry into the Physical Sciences II (MTWTHF 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
BIOL 5253 Inquiry into Environmental Biology (MTWTHF 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.)
Note: Science Participants meet five days per week because of additional time needed
for labs.
For a complete list of MASTEP criteria, classes, or for more information, contact Dr. Adams at 918-456-5511, ext. 3819.
For more information on the Master of Education in Mathematics Education and the Master of Education in Science Education, contact the NSU Graduate College at 918-456-5511, ext. 2093.