NSU to Host Final Gubernatorial Candidate Forum
Published: 2010-06-17
TAHLEQUAH, OK - Northeastern State University will host the final public forum for Oklahoma gubernatorial candidates on Wednesday, July 21 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium of the Webb Educational and Technology Center. The event is free and all community members are invited to attend.
Together with the Oklahoma Academy for State Goals, NSU will welcome Democrat candidates Jari Askins and Drew Edmondson and Republican candidates Randy Brogdon, Mary Fallin, Roger Jackson and Robert Hubbard. During the 90-minute forum, audience members will have a rare opportunity to hear each of the four candidates speak and submit questions from the floor.
Doors will open to the public at 6 p.m. The Webb Center, formerly known as the NET Building, is located at the south end of campus next to the University Center.
The forum is the final stop on a leg of university visits coordinated by the Oklahoma Academy for State Goals, a non-profit think tank organization that focuses on involving the public in state issues. Statewide primaries are set for July 27.
For more information concerning the OK Academy/NSU forum contact the Oklahoma Academy for State Goals at (405) 232-5828 or NSU Community Relations at 918-444-2009.