Northeastern Web-Based Virtual Private Network Delivers Total Access for University Community
Published: 2004-04-30
TAHLEQUAH Files on Northeasterns Student Filer, Employee Filer, and Portfolio Server are only a mouse-click away for students, staff, and faculty working from home or abroad thanks to a new service offered by the Universitys Computing & Telecommunications Department. Northeasterns web-based Virtual Private Network (WebVPN) combines the safety and privacy of a secure data network with the flexibility and freedom of accessing stored files on several servers.
Convenient and secure off-campus access can be obtained by logging on to and entering your NSU User ID and password. Once a user is logged on, they can access one of three University servers by entering the path for that server in the space provided. For example, a student wishing to access their files on the student server would enter \studentmyuserid. To log off the NSU WebVPN, users simply click the box located in the top right corner of the top frame of the web page. Its that simple.
The NSU WebVPN extends the workplace and classroom beyond the University walls, allowing members of the Northeastern community to be more productive at home and on the road, with up-to-date information.
The Northeastern Community can expect access to the Osage Server in the near future.