NSU ranked No. 5 Best Online Master’s Degrees in Science Education
TAHLEQUAH, Okla. — College planning website OnlineMastersDegrees.org has ranked Northeastern State University as No. 5 in their list of Best Online Master’s Degrees in Science Education. NSU is the only university in Oklahoma to make the site’s top 10 rankings.
"It is exciting for our M.Ed. Science Education to be recognized as a top Online Master's Degree in Science Education," Dr. Jessica Martin, Interim Dean for the Gregg Wadley College of Science and Health Professions, said. "This recognition is well-earned by our dedicated faculty. We are proud to be able to offer these high quality experiences which enable K-12 teachers to become highly qualified teachers of science."
NSU’s master of education in science education program is offered entirely online to meet the needs of teachers who hold bachelor degrees in secondary science education, a science discipline, mathematics, elementary education, early childhood education or special education and teachers who are pursuing alternative certification.
The program consists of 15 hours of professional education core, 15 hours of science content core and six hours of capstone. In the science content core, students choose 15 hours from a wide variety of science courses including Earth Science, Investigative Biology, Environmental Science, Nature of Matter, Science of Motion, and Space Science, Technology Integration for Learning, Technology in Mathematics and Mathematical Pedagogy.
The M.Ed. Science Education program also offers an embedded 12-hour STEM Education certificate. The certificate was designed for people interested in STEM Education such as informal educators, teachers who hold an initial teaching certification in any discipline, those who are pursuing alternative certification and teachers in STEM areas. The STEM Education certificate provides training in science and mathematics teaching, educational technology, as well as STEM content.
Courses include a variety of instructional activities including student presentations, group projects, online video lectures, student analysis of online resources and discussion boards. The science content courses provide inquiry-based instruction through hands-on inquiries, online simulations and online data sources.
For more information on NSU’s online master of education in science education program, visit https://academics.nsuok.edu/naturalsciences/Degrees/Graduate/MEdScienceEducation/default.aspx.