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NSU-Broken Arrow to hold spring 2025 Biology & Chemistry Seminar Series

NSU-Broken Arrow to hold spring 2025 Biology & Chemistry Seminar Series

BROKEN ARROW, Okla. – The Gregg Wadley College of Science & Health Professions at Northeastern State University is bringing biology and chemistry experts from across Oklahoma to discuss various topics as part of the spring 2025 Biology & Chemistry Seminar Series.

The series begins with a presentation titled, “Illuminating a Path to Success,” presented by Dr. Dawn Bender, bioscience sales specialist – Nikon Instruments Inc., on Jan. 24.

Dr. Ochoa-Corona, professor of Entomology & Plant Pathology at Oklahoma State University, will present “Understanding EDNA (Electronic-probe Diagnostic Nucleic-acid Analysis) and update over other diagnostics methods,” on Feb. 21.

“Battery Nanotechnology,” will be presented by Dr. Samuel Michaud, Senior Electrochemist at Ten-Nine Technologies, on March 14.

The series will wrap up with Dr. Nnamdi Ekaesi, assistant professor of Biology at Northeastern State University, presenting “Horizontal transfer of probable chicken-pathogenicity chromosomal islands between Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus angetis,” on April 25.

Each seminar in the series will be located on the NSU-Broken Arrow campus in the NSUBA auditorium room 141 (BAAS 141). All seminars are free and open to the public. Each will begin at 10 a.m. and are expected to last one hour each.

For more information about the Biology & Chemistry Seminar Series, contact Dr. Dulanjani Wijayasekara at



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