NSU's Educational Talent Search staff present at national conference
Published: 2010-09-29
The Northeastern State University Educational Talent Search staff of Diane Walker, Ryan Eller and Sheila Fritts attended the Council for Opportunity in Education conference Sept. 1-4 in San Diego.
The conference theme was Fitting STEM into the College Opportunity Equation. It featured more than 100 plenary and concurrent sessions.
On Sept. 1, Eller presented a three hour pre-conference workshop on Incorporating Social Networks into Your TRIO Program." Eller has presented shorter versions of the workshop elsewhere; the demand was due to the increasing popularity of social networking among high school and college students. His workshop was one of only 10 chosen by the COE as pre-conference presentations.
Eller's workshop focused on TRIO programs such as ETS and Upward Bound and how Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube and other websites can be used to reach students. Eller also discussed utilizing technology to develop contacts, enhance workshops and meetings, interact with parents and administrators and further prepare students for post-secondary success.
Walker and Fritts presented a breakout session Sept. 3 titled Following the Leader, Leading the Follower." Their session centered on leadership, facilitating an adventure based-experiential activity with more than 30 participants. The session focused on helping TRIO professionals enhance their skills with sequencing, facilitating and processing group activities and relating the experience to a significant life skill.
A highlight of the conference was the traditional Educational Opportunity Banquet. Master of ceremonies was John Quinones of ABC news and an Upward Bound alumnus.
Besides their presentation, Walker and Fritts also moderated breakout sessions on Sept. 2. NSU's TRIO staff participated in Cultivating an Active Parent Support Group for Your Program, STEMM Pipeline Resources: Expanding Options for TRIO Students, Department of Education Update on Awarding Prior Experience Points for Talent Search Projects and the Overview of the Talent Search Competition.