Invest in employees and facilities to ensure that both are performing at their best,
excelling at their functions, and are outfitted with the tools and technology needed
in today's intensely competitive workforce and evolving digital environment.
Increase and improve employee recruitment and retention.
- Adjust employee pay based on College & University Professional Association - Human
Resources (CUPA-HR) salary review.
- Without decreasing productivity or negatively impacting student success, and as appropriate,
evaluate select positions for the potential to effectively work remotely.
- Evaluate on call and holiday pay options and procedures for non-exempt employees who are required to work outside of normal business hours.
Conduct a university-wide facilities and infrastructure audit and prioritize investments based on need, focusing on those impacting student and employee retention.
- Conduct a holistic review of campus infrastructure and determine anticipated costs
to eliminate deferred maintenance and savings for unnecessary maintenance, encompassing
buildings, HVAC, hot water, safety (sidewalks, lighting, cameras), and invest accordingly.
- Evaluate instructional technology to meet 21st century teaching skills and expectations.
- Conduct audit of directional and campus signage to determine what is missing or needs
updated with appropriate nomenclature.
- Upgrade telecommunication, computers, and printer technology.
Establish and implement a campus safety and accessibility plan.
- Analyze and address current security and safety needs (e.g., number of buildings,
doors, locks, video monitoring, sidewalks, lighting, Title IX, Clery compliance, ADA
compliance, etc.).
- Ensure that NSU complies with cybersecurity regulations and protecting the privacy of employees and students.
Innovate and automate our processes to improve student success, work efficiency, and agility.
- Assess and streamline processes across the University.
- Develop a digital storage plan across the University.
- Increase efficiency by digitizing paper-based processes.
Provide professional development and leadership opportunities for employees to improve efficacy and accountability.
- Provide relevant skilled-based training for employees, including trades training and
potential certifications with pay/advancement options per certification, license,
degree, or other training opportunities, considering a commitment to remain at NSU
in exchange for such training.
- Provide a campus-wide professional development opportunity at least once every two
- Provide internal leadership training opportunities to qualified employees throughout
the university.
- Offer and require customer service training for frontline employees, including student
- Identify department opportunities for advancement and train/cross-train current employees accordingly.
Ensure a coordinated approach to managing external, private, or other alternative funding.
- Identify and remove barriers to seeking appropriate external, private, or other alternative
- Continue improving and streamlining the grants process, from identification to application,
and from post-award to final report.
- Increase external or alternative funding opportunities by incentivizing grant writers.
- Foster improved engagement of stakeholders in both pre- and post-award process through appropriate Advisory Boards.