Search Engine Optimization
SEO Best Practices
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization is the process of making a website more visible in search results, or improving search rankings. Sites using the Omni CMS templates have had their code optimized for best SEO results. However, there are other techniques and tips that can help improve search rankings.
Content & Copywriting
Content is the most important aspect of SEO for Omni CMS users. Having well written content that uses key words in it should be the main focus. Identify what key words your users would be searching for and work them into the text of the page. You may hear "content is king" frequently when researching SEO techniques.
Also using the correct type of content matters. For example, making sure that a list
uses the bulleted list format or that headings are ordered correctly. These improve the ability for search engines to crawl the page
if the content is formatted properly. Following accessibility best practices and using Final Check will assist with ensuring your content is well formatted.
Content Help
Visit Googles SEO Best Practices for details about modern SEO and more techniques as well as do's and don'ts when writing for the web. If you need assistance writing content or want to consult with someone about your site, contact Web Communications. They offer website consultations as a service for the university.
Title & Description
A well put together page title and description are important when it comes to SEO. These can be completed using Page Properties.